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The Improvised Life with Katie Goodman | How To Create A Courageous, Adventurous, Meaningful Life, Driven By Purpose

Feb 11, 2019

Join me and Dan Savage today talking about the It Gets Better Project. This is an interview I did with Dan on my former podcast a few years ago and I just LOVE this interview. Dan and his husband Terry created this project to save LGBTQ lives, to support the community with advice, coping mechanisms and connection and support. Dan has really improvised his life, thinking outside the box to really achieve something that had never previously been done and It Gets Better changed the culture in our country.

Find Dan here:

Twitter: @fakedansavage

FB: @dansavage

Insta: @dansavage


And now's a good time: if you haven't already done the Gag Your Inner Critic worksheet, get it by clicking here!

To get more info on Katie's upcoming Women's Retreats, or to bring her to your company or conference for a workshop or Keynote Speech, click on these underlined links or for everything in one place go here:

And click to learn more about Katie's Improvised Life Coaching Certification School.

Katie's book on Amazon